lsk// something exciting coming december nine


launching december nine//


my journey to health began at a young age. my parents have always been incredibly health-conscious and raised their household to be the same. before it was trending, my mom would fill our meals with whole foods like salads with organic herbs and sprouts, massaged kale and homemade dressing–while my dad would cook wild fish on the grill. we’d connect over long meals around the dinner table and share heart-filled conversation.

it wasn’t until i got older that i began to get acquainted with my own, personal health and wellness journey. starting in my teens, i continued to experience different health concerns, from consistent bloating in my stomach no matter what i ate or how much i exercised, to internal bleeding that went undiscovered and undiagnosed for months. for years i experienced symptoms and wondered why, but never fully understood or took action against what my body was experiencing.

it wasn’t until after my accident that i began to dive even deeper into whole body nutrition when, despite a miraculous recovery, i continued to experience severe, daily fatigue. it was then that i decided to devote myself to the idea of total wellness, and became immersed with finding expert reasoning and research as to why our bodies feel the way they feel–and how our lifestyle, environment, and what we consume can affect them. years in the making, with a personal clean-living transformation of my own under my belt, we started to develop the launch of our clean, non-toxic selfcare brand. it was in that process that my personal research, combined with a newly developed professional knowledge, furthered my deep root understanding of clean-living: from products, to practices, and even what we consume. i began to compile the clean sweep–and three years later, with hundreds of copies sold and countless lives transformed, i am refining and reshaping what i know into a new and fresh launch.

the clean sweep is an organized, thorough guidebook to help you on a journey toward clean living by diving deeply into the three pillars of health: food, products, and practices. gathered from years of extensive research, expert advice, and personal experience – i’m sharing with you all i know about wellness in a daily step-by-step informational program of understandable and practical ways to improve your health. starting first with a fresh relaunch of the program, all focused on food.

coming soon next week, stay tuned for launch of my newest edition of the clean sweep on wednesday, december 9 introducing the clean sweep, volume one: food. to learn more about opportunities and events we have coming up with the launch click here.

excited to share this with you soon,

xo lo


lsk// now live! the clean sweep, volume one: food


clean living// cooking with my mama, the healthy feast connoisseur