lsk// now live! the clean sweep, volume one: food


the day is finally here! the relaunch of my daily guide to clean living, the clean sweep–now available in a several volume series diving deeply into the three pillars of health: food, products, and practices. the clean sweep exists to make the journey to clean living easy, understandable, and achievable for you, one step at a time.

the clean sweep volume one: food focuses entirely on what you eat–transforming your relationship with yourself, what you consume, and how it affects your lifestyle. now introducing your new daily guide to clean living that helps you switch over what you consume to clean, wellness benefitting choices, all while expanding your understanding of what it means to live a clean lifestyle rooted in balance.

compiled from years extensive research, expert advice, and personal experience, i can’t wait to share with you all i know about wellness. i hope you enjoy the program as much as we enjoyed creating it for you, and stay tuned for my 30-day challenge launching in january. sign up for my challenge here as we walk through each day of the program together with daily updates from me, weekly incentives, and access to exclusive content and releases from partnering brands.

i can’t wait to do this journey with you. together, let’s discover the beauty of wellness.

xo, lauren


a sneak peak//

the table of contents


clean living// lo’s healthy holiday popcorn


lsk// something exciting coming december nine