clean living// practices for a slower pace



clean living// practices


NO MATTER what the season, it always seems that there are reasons to be busy. whether it’s summer break with rushing around on outings, or in the full swing of the fall with a new sense of routine.

i’ve found that in the rush of life, it’s really easy to feel overwhelmed or that you’re doing everything yet somehow accomplishing nothing. in these moments, i try to implement practices that help me stay grounded.

THE TRUTH IS, clean living is so much more than the products you use or the food you eat. it’s about cultivating A LIFESTYLE ROOTED IN BALANCE that lends to happy, healthy living and a grounded soul.

what kind of lifestyle are your habits creating? how does the routine of your day make you feel? do you feel more fulfilled, more joyful, more at peace? OR do you feel more stressed, anxious, and in want?

here are a few practices i implement to slow down and ground myself back in the fullness of the moment.

get fresh air // even just 15 minutes outside a day can do wonders for anxiety

take time to sit and eat your food // this shows great appreciation for your food, yourself, and your digestion

learn to say no // listen to your body, spread out your calendar more, and create more free space

for those of you in cities, find all of your appointment places, like your dentist office, hair or nail salon, etc., all in one area // this helps you from rushing across town or from place to place

plan ahead and aim to grocery shop no more than twice a week // you will find yourself eating more whole foods and complete meals rather than snacking on food that doesn’t fill your tummy or power your brain

put your phone away as often as possible and enjoy the present

take on a new hobby that is meditative


lifestyle// decluttering made easy


clean living// healthy midday snacks