clean living// keeping white surfaces clean


the more we post and share images of our home, the more and more so many of you ask about how we keep all our white surfaces clean, especially with a babe on the way!

first and foremost, we most definitely plan on keeping all the white in our home, along with the pillows freshly chopped, and beds made! that being said, we know some of our routines and rituals that we currently hold in our home will have to change and adapt as we do.

here is the current protocol we follow with keeping all of our white surfaces clean!



we wipe our dog bennie’s paws after he goes outside! this sounds intense, but we’ve been doing it since he was a puppy and now he’s trained to do it. it takes 10 seconds and really does keep all our white couches and rugs clean. living in CA definitely helps with this, too!

we take our shoes off at the front door of the house

we wash our sheets, couch cushions, and pillow covers frequently. i definitely recommend when purchasing a new couch to try and get one that is machine washable! this is a life saver.

we reset our home every night before going to bed. this include refluffing the pillows, reshaping the couch cushions, and wiping down all the counter tops. this helps with not accumulating gunk, trash, or residue on surfaces that would allow it to discolor!


clean stain remover for fabric

oxygen boost for whitening // this replaces bleach and can be used on fabric as well as surfaces like countertops

i love branch basics for counter cleaner // it comes in a kit for multiuse, my code is LSK for 15% off


thoughts// birth plans


thoughts// prepping for maternity leave