clean living// food assembling 101



clean living// food


A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO i met with my sweet friend joy liira who is an incredible holistic health coach. she meets with women to help them grow in body attunement and manage anxiety through daily shifts. on top of all that, she has so much wisdom to share when it comes to nourishing your body and practicing intuitive eating. a side note – she takes clients for one on one health coaching, so if any of the above resonated with you, i definitely recommend setting up a call.

she taught me about the concept of FOOD ASSEMBLING in order to cut down on time spent in the kitchen cooking while maximizing nourishment through creating easy, healthy meals.


rather than cooking every meal, transition to assembling every meal

the gist is to batch cook at the beginning of the week and use what you make for the rest of the week. you can also use a pre-made healthy option or fresh cut veggies from the store and combine them into meals like a salad, bowl, wrap, taco, etc.

for those of you who find yourself consistently snacking rather than eating a nourishing meal that will keep you fuller for longer, this is definitely for you! whether you’re too busy in your day to cook or cooking just isn’t your thing, food assembling will save you time and rescue your body from all the feelings associated with a lack of nourishment.

to get you started, here is a list of CLEAN ASSEMBLY ITEMS i keep on hand in my kitchen that will help create a nourishing meal for you.


siete almond flour tortillas

for a base, start with cooked quinoa or a bed of leafy greens

roasted golden or regular beets

any veggie but great options for bowls or salads include cooked zucchini, roasted brussel sprouts, carrots, or broccoli and for a wrap try bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, or cucumber



black beans, adzuki beans or chickpeas

for toppings, try salsa, a healthy dressing or sauce, fresh herbs like cilantro or dill, a squeeze of lemon, EVOO, or salt and pepper

additional toppings can include any kind of seed, nut, or even a healthy cracker option to give it an extra crunch


try to buy a variety of ingredients that you can use in a few different options like a bowl, salad or wrap. when starting out, it can be overwhelming purchasing an endless list of produce that ultimately you won’t get to. MINIMIZE your grocery list and add on as you familiarize yourself with how much you will actually consume in one week.

pick a day for tackling groceries and another consecutive day for food prepping. this includes cooking your quinoa, roasting your beets, cutting your veggies, slicing your lemons, etc.

store your food in the proper equipment in your fridge to maximize freshness! here are some options i love:

these reuseable produce bags

these compostable plastic storage bags

these cute storage jars


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